花精潔面泡泡 Hz Floral Foaming Cleanser
花精爽膚水 Hz Floral Toner
花馥油 Hz Floral Beauty Oil
花浴鹽 Hz Floral Bath Salt
花浴露 Hz Floral Shower Gel
花浴油 Hz Floral Bath Oil
花香水 Hz Floral Perfume
花精噴霧 Hz Floral Spray
花精複方精油 Hz Floral Essential Oil Blend
花精萬用膏 Hz Floral Multi Purpose Balm
花精靈氣板 Hz Floral Plate
調頻谷古 Hz Choco
花精飾物 Hz Floral Accessories
擴香花 Hz Floral Aroma Stone
花鹽板 Hz Floral Plate
草本花浴包 Hz Floral Herbal Soak Pack
私人訂製 Custom-made
能量塔 Orgonite
脈輪套裝系列 Chakra Series
調頻套裝系列 Hz Floral Series
狗狗系列 Doggie Series
狗狗花浴鹽 Doggie Hz Floral Bath Salt
狗狗草本花浴包 Doggie Hz Floral Herbal Soak Pack
四葉系列。洗邋遢 Four Leaf Series
七色花系列。好運來 Seven-color Flower Series
招財貓系列。添財運 Lucky Cat Series
淨化系列。心靈淨 Purify Series
貴人系列。遇貴人 Benefactor Series
濃情蜜意系列。甜蜜蜜 Affectionate Series
人緣(愛情)系列。正桃花 Attractive (Romance) Series
頂輪系列 The Crown Chakra Series
眉心輪系列 The Third Eye Series
喉輪系列 The Throat Chakra Series
心輪系列 The Heart Chakra Series
太陽輪系列 The Solar Plexus Chakra Series
臍輪系列 The Sacral Chakra Series
海底輪系列 The Root Chakra Series
秘魯聖木 Palo Santo
鼠尾草 Sage
七色花精爽膚水 Seven-color Flower Hz Floral Toner
七色花精爽膚水 Seven-color Flower Hz Floral Toner $178/150ml 七色花增強正能量,換上好氣場,有助於整體運勢的提升,增運氣、添財氣、結良緣,倍添幸福感 我們的七色花是以七彩雛菊、金盞花、桂花、玫瑰、向日葵、千日紅、荷花為主調,平衡、調和、提升自身正能量、好氣場,吸引好人、好事、好物到身邊 七色花精爽膚水就是提升你能量狀態的妙招 『能量』雖然是無形、無味、無色、無法觸摸,但宇宙裡裡外外到處都充滿能量,它一直是存在的。世界上所有的固體都是由旋轉的粒子組成,這些粒子有著不同的振動頻率。人在不同的體格和精神狀態下身體亦有著不同的振動頻率,振動頻率就是我們常說的『磁場』『氣場』『能量』 振頻是不同能量震動的速度,所有事物都是能量,以不同的幅度移動,這個幅度被稱為「頻率」。一切都是能量,而所有能量都有自己移動的幅度和速率,所有一切都是振動頻率 同頻共振就是「同頻相吸」,當你頻率愈來愈高,萬事萬物為你而來,七色花精爽膚水就是立即提升頻率的其一妙招 Spirit energy is the most subtle type of energy and has a close affiliation with your emotions. It can be translated in many ways such as your mind, spirit, consciousness, vitality, expression, soul and energy Our minds can be link to "the universe" enhances our life force which is the nature healing energy with vibrates at a higher frequency. Higher vibrational energies might happiness abundance, joy and love The natural healing energies can help you raise your vibrational frequency "Seven-color Flower" products the core energy: *Increase your vibrational frequency in good fortune *Luck as an arbitrary force affecting your affairs *You created your own luck *Good chance and the way it affects your overall circumstances 爽膚水 (Toner) 是護膚程序的第一步,為皮膚二次清潔令潔面效果更徹底。爽膚水是一種能快速滲透肌膚的液體,質地如水一般清爽,按成分之別提供不同的護膚作用。它除了把洗面後變成鹼性的皮膚回復酸性,平衡肌膚的pH值和水油平衡,兼用來作第二重潔淨,去除老化角質,使肌膚更好地吸收後續護膚品。 日常護膚步驟中,洗臉後用上爽膚水,之後才塗上保濕精華及臉霜。 使用不同功效的爽膚水,護膚效果自然相得益彰。 Toners are applied after cleansing, in the morning and at night. They help balance the skin's pH and give your skin an extra-deep clean, remove excess dirt, oil, makeup, and other impurities. All skin types can benefit from including a gentle, hydrating toner in their daily routine. It protects the skin. Toner should be used twice a day. Toners are designed to be used in the morning and before bed after cleansing your face. Consider your cleanser and toner like shampoo and conditioner—both steps help keep your skin healthy. 爽膚水用法 1:以手塗抹 潔臉後是肌膚水分流失最快的時候,所以洗臉後盡快使用爽膚水,才可及時提升皮膚的水分。爽膚水最簡單的用法,當然是以手塗抹。你可以將大概10元硬幣份量的爽膚水倒於掌心,輕輕搓揉,再由中央向外的方向塗抹及輕按全臉,利用手心熱力和指腹輕按,可以加快爽膚水吸收,但避免大力拍打臉部引起刺激和傷害皮膚。 Method 1 Liquid toner can be applied to the face and neck with freshly washed hands and patted into the skin. 爽膚水用法 2:用化妝棉擦拭作二次清潔 去角質爽膚水配合化妝棉使用可達到二次清潔的作用,先以爽膚水沾濕化妝棉,然後輕抹面上,擦拭時要由內向外順着肌膚的紋理,注意塗抹時力度要適中,才不會過分拉扯肌膚導致細紋出現。在角質層較易增厚的部位,如鼻翼、下巴、額頭及頸部等,可重複拭擦以助去除老舊角質及油脂污垢。 配合化妝棉使用時,宜選擇質地清爽的化妝水,易推之餘也有清爽保濕的作用。化妝棉方面則要留意不要用過於粗糙的化妝棉,以免傷害肌膚 Method 2 Liquid toner can be put on a cotton pad before being applied in upward strokes. 爽膚水用法 3:濕敷急救 你也可以沾濕化妝綿後,局部敷在T字位、臉頰或下巴等重點位置,待3至5分鐘,作護膚面膜之用。濕敷除了保濕及即時鎮靜外,更有助軟化角質,讓角質層含水量快速增加,令皮膚即時變得水潤緊緻,尤其適合早上上妝前使用。但要注意,不要使用含酒精或果酸的爽膚水濕敷,以免對皮膚造成過分刺激,弄巧反拙。 Method 3 Simply soak a few cotton pads with your favorite nourishing toner and drape them over your face the same way you would a sheet mask. Leave on until dry and pat in any remaining liquid. 主要成份:七色花純露、七色花複方精油、維他命B3、蘆薈、沒藥萃取液、金縷梅萃取液、銀耳甘露聚糖 Main ingredients: Seven-color Flower Hydrosol、Seven-color Flower Essential Oil、Vitamin B3、Aloe Vera、Myrrh Extract、Witch Hazel Extract、Tremella Fuciformis Sporocarp Extract ** 儲存於陰涼處,避免陽光直接照射 Keep in a cool, dry place. Do not expose to direct sunlight ** 圖片及文字僅供參考,最終以出貨實物為準 Colour and photo of Products displayed on Online Store are for reference only ⚠️勿讓小孩獨自使用。若不慎入眼,請即用大量清水沖洗 Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes, if contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water ⚠️衹供外用,若使用後出現敏感症狀,請停止使用並諮詢醫生 For external use only. If cause sensitivity consult a healthcare professional and discontinue use ⚠️對成份精油敏感人士忌用 Discontinue use if signs of irritation appear 產品查詢/訂購 Product inquiry / ordering https://wa.me/message/2E43COFH66UDP1 歡迎使用 / Payment Methods Payme、AlipayHK 、Wechat Pay、FPS 轉數快、Octopus 八達通、PayPal、Visa、Master 香港郵政 或 順豐到付 購買滿 HK$400 本地包郵 Hong Kong Post or SF Express Free Local Delivery with purchase of HK$400 or above |香港品牌|自家製造| |手工藝作|原創設計| Bloom Bloom Mart 靈心身百貨店 www.bloombloommart.com 商業合作 / 批發查詢 +852 6488 7827 #bloombloommart #花浴鹽 #花浴露 #自家製造 #馥馥 #bloombloom馥馥 #靈心身百貨店 #花浴鹽專家 #手工藝作 #香港原創 #花精爽膚水 #七色花精爽膚水