花精潔面泡泡 Hz Floral Foaming Cleanser
花精爽膚水 Hz Floral Toner
花馥油 Hz Floral Beauty Oil
花浴鹽 Hz Floral Bath Salt
花浴露 Hz Floral Shower Gel
花浴油 Hz Floral Bath Oil
花香水 Hz Floral Perfume
花精噴霧 Hz Floral Spray
花精複方精油 Hz Floral Essential Oil Blend
花精萬用膏 Hz Floral Multi Purpose Balm
花精靈氣板 Hz Floral Plate
調頻谷古 Hz Choco
花精飾物 Hz Floral Accessories
擴香花 Hz Floral Aroma Stone
花鹽板 Hz Floral Plate
草本花浴包 Hz Floral Herbal Soak Pack
私人訂製 Custom-made
能量塔 Orgonite
脈輪套裝系列 Chakra Series
調頻套裝系列 Hz Floral Series
狗狗系列 Doggie Series
狗狗花浴鹽 Doggie Hz Floral Bath Salt
狗狗草本花浴包 Doggie Hz Floral Herbal Soak Pack
四葉系列。洗邋遢 Four Leaf Series
七色花系列。好運來 Seven-color Flower Series
招財貓系列。添財運 Lucky Cat Series
淨化系列。心靈淨 Purify Series
貴人系列。遇貴人 Benefactor Series
濃情蜜意系列。甜蜜蜜 Affectionate Series
人緣(愛情)系列。正桃花 Attractive (Romance) Series
頂輪系列 The Crown Chakra Series
眉心輪系列 The Third Eye Series
喉輪系列 The Throat Chakra Series
心輪系列 The Heart Chakra Series
太陽輪系列 The Solar Plexus Chakra Series
臍輪系列 The Sacral Chakra Series
海底輪系列 The Root Chakra Series
秘魯聖木 Palo Santo
鼠尾草 Sage
七色花香水 Seven-color Flower Hz Floral Perfume
七色花香水 Seven-color Flower Hz Floral Perfume Eau de Parfum 30ml / 1oz / $938 七色花增強正能量,換上好氣場,有助於整體運勢的提升,增運氣、添財氣、結良緣,倍添幸福感 我們的七色花是以七彩雛菊、金盞花、桂花、玫瑰、向日葵、千日紅、荷花為主調,平衡、調和、提升自身正能量、好氣場,吸引好人、好事、好物到身邊 七色花香水就是提升你能量狀態的妙招 『能量』雖然是無形、無味、無色、無法觸摸,但宇宙裡裡外外到處都充滿能量,它一直是存在的。世界上所有的固體都是由旋轉的粒子組成,這些粒子有著不同的振動頻率。人在不同的體格和精神狀態下身體亦有著不同的振動頻率,振動頻率就是我們常說的『磁場』『氣場』『能量』 振頻是不同能量震動的速度,所有事物都是能量,以不同的幅度移動,這個幅度被稱為「頻率」。一切都是能量,而所有能量都有自己移動的幅度和速率,所有一切都是振動頻率 同頻共振就是「同頻相吸」,當你頻率愈來愈高,萬事萬物為你而來,七色花香水就是立即提升頻率的其一妙招 Spirit energy is the most subtle type of energy and has a close affiliation with your emotions. It can be translated in many ways such as your mind, spirit, consciousness, vitality, expression, soul and energy Our minds can be link to ""the universe"" enhances our life force which is the nature healing energy with vibrates at a higher frequency. Higher vibrational energies might happiness abundance, joy and love The natural healing energies can help you raise your vibrational frequency "Seven-color Flower" the core energy: *Increase your vibrational frequency in good fortune *Luck as an arbitrary force affecting your affairs *You created your own luck *Good chance and the way it affects your overall circumstances 花香水由選擇花材到釀成香水歷時三個多月,香水色澤及質地均是醞釀過程中自然混成,每次均是小批量生產,精心製作的花香水內在充滿著大自然的日月精華和天地靈氣,糅合大自然美妙的氣息。花香水可帶來愉悅感,獨特的調子來詮釋自我氣質,噴上展現真我,讓別人對你的印象加分 Flowers absorb the aura of heaven and earth, absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, exchange the vitality and aura from flowers unconsciously during the soaking process, purify the body and mind and offset negative emotions, increase the vibrational frequency of self (The law of attraction) Deeply evocative, warming and soothing, our blend of natural essential oils of plants and flowers, with their inherent aromatherapy benefits, helps to boost your spirits while beautifully scenting your skin 花香調:七彩雛菊、金盞花、桂花、玫瑰、向日葵、千日紅、荷花、甜橙、丁香、桂皮、乳香、生薑、黑雲杉、廣藿香、沒藥、天竺葵、尤加利 Floral Notes : Bracteantha bracteata、Calendula、Osmanthus、Rose、Sunflower、Gomphrena globosa、Lotus、Orange、Clove、Cinnamon Bark、Frankincense、Ginger、Black spruce、Patchouli、Myrrh、Geranium、Eucalyptus Radiata 使用噴霧法:噴香水時距離身體10公分,在空氣中噴出香水,身體走過香霧,讓香水均勻灑落身上,留下淡淡香氣 Spritz, don’t mist You can target specific points and spritz some perfume on them (from a distance between 10cm), but another common practice is to spray some perfume just in front of you and then walk through that mist of perfume 使用點噴法:定點噴落在身體特定位置,雙耳後側、手腕內側、頸部後側,留香更久,香氣自然散發 The best spots to apply a perfume are your pulse points: the points that are warm and moist because your veins are closest to the skin on those places, like your neck, chin, collarbones, chest, shoulder blades, below and on top of ears ** 儲存於陰涼處,陰暗處,避免陽光直接照射 Keep in a cool, dark place, dry place. Do not expose to direct sunlight **不可存放在室溫以上的環境 Do not store above room temperature ** 圖片及文字僅供參考,最終以出貨實物為準 Colour and photo of Products displayed on Online Store are for reference only ⚠️衹供外用,避免將香水儲存在浴室中 For external use only. Avoid Storing Your Perfume in the Bathroom ⚠️對食用酒精及成份精油敏感人士慎用 Discontinue use if signs of irritation appear and consult a healthcare professional 產品查詢/訂購 Product inquiry / ordering https://wa.me/message/2E43COFH66UDP1 歡迎使用 / Payment Methods Payme、AlipayHK 、Wechat Pay、FPS 轉數快、Octopus 八達通、PayPal、Visa、Master 香港郵政 或 順豐到付 購買滿 HK$400 本地包郵 Hong Kong Post or SF Express Free Local Delivery with purchase of HK$400 or above |香港品牌|自家製造| |手工藝作|原創設計| Bloom Bloom Mart 靈心身百貨店 www.bloombloommart.com 商業合作 / 批發查詢 +852 64887827 #bloombloommart #花浴鹽 #花浴露 #馥馥 #bloombloom馥馥 #靈心身百貨店 #花浴鹽專家 #香港原創 #七色花浴露 #花精萬用膏 #七色花精萬用膏 #七色花香水 #花精靈氣板