Bloom Bloom Mart 靈心身百貨店

喉輪花精萬用膏 Throat Chakra Hz Floral Multi Purpose Balm



喉輪花精萬用膏 Throat Chakra Hz Floral Multi-Purpose Balm 11g / $238 喉輪掌管著我們跟別人的交流及溝通能力,也與自我表達力量息息相關。與別人交流,除了是對話上的互動,更深層的是達至彼此共振、心靈上的交流與同步。「自我表達」的力量不單單是能言善道的層面,更重要是能否一面如實地表達自我 喉嚨發出的聲音是一種流動、共振、共鳴的能量,發出的聲音即使沒有言語、沒有聽眾,也是一回表達與傾聽。喉輪讓你勇於表達自己,口齒伶俐、話語暢連、溝通坦率,善於與人交際流利討好樂也融融,串起自我與他人同步開展的共鳴關係 喉輪花精萬用膏就是調和你能量狀態的妙招,我們是以薰衣草、蝶豆花、薄荷、矢車菊為主調,讓喉輪平衡、提升、擴展、流動 如果不愛說話的你;說話不討喜的你;經常口窒窒的你;不善於表達的你,要給自己一個突破,提升溝通表達方面,若你以喉輪花精萬用膏作潤唇膏經常使用的話,可能會幫到手,讓你勇於表達自己,口齒伶俐,善於與人交流樂也融融 同頻共振就是「同頻相吸」,當你頻率愈來愈高,萬事萬物為你而來,喉輪花精萬用膏就是立即提升頻率的其一妙招 Throat Chakra Located at throat. The throat chakra acts as the body's communication hub. It's where you find your voice, speak your truth, and sing praises for yourself and others. It is associated with speaking up and expressing yourself, but also with hearing and being heard Experiencing the ability to have clear communication. You have a resonant voice and are equally a good listener to others you have conversations with. Expressing our emotions and speaking openly helps us form deep connections with the world around us, as well as within When your throat chakra is blocked or misaligned, you may have issues with creativity and communication "Throat Chakra" products the core energy : *Help your throat chakra open and energy is flowing freely *Have a good sense of timing and rhythm *Feels communication flows *Enhancing communication, self-expression, and creativity 花香調:薰衣草、蝶豆花、薄荷、矢車菊、尤加利、羅文莎葉、檀香、纈草 Floral Notes : Lavender、Butterfly Pea、Peppermint、Cornflower、Eucalyptus Radiata、Ravintsara、Sandalwood、Valerian 萬用膏包裝精緻小巧,可隨身攜帶隨時急救唇部、臉頰、手肘及指尖等部位的乾燥脫皮現象 萬用膏含有高濃度的天然成分,可促進癒合並舒緩乾燥、乾裂的皮膚。天氣轉換,肌膚乾燥、痕癢、脫皮、風燒傷、膝蓋或手肘粗糙、生活中輕微燙傷等等,這就需要一盒萬用膏來應急解救!嘴唇乾裂、手指開裂、蚊釘蟲咬、皮膚損傷,指甲刮傷、小瘀青等,萬用膏就是這樣神奇的存在,小小一盒,便能照顧周全,臉、唇、頸、手和腳都可以搽 Multifunctional beauty balm is a multitasking skincare balm formulated to nourish, protect, and hydrate the skin. Beauty balm contains skin-loving oils, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that promote a healthy skin barrier. Beauty balm is formulated to be intensely nourishing to the skin. They contain highly concentrated natural ingredients that promote healing and soothe dry, chapped skin. They can be used to treat many skin issues, including dry cuticles, windburn, rough knees or elbows, and much more. Beauty balm can be applied to the face, lips, knees, elbows, or even the feet! Natural beauty balms are usually safe for sensitive skin and suitable for all skin types, so feel free to use them anywhere you have dry or chapped skin that needs a little extra. 主要成份:喉輪精油、喉輪精華油、蓖麻油、玫瑰果油、鱷梨油、洋甘菊脂、向日葵籽蠟、梔子花蠟、橙花蠟 Main ingredients: Throat Chakra Essential Oil、Throat Chakra Floral Serum、Castor oil、Rosehip Oil、Avocado Oil、Chamomile Butter、Sunflower seed wax、Gardenia Floral Wax、Neroli Floral Wax 建議用法:塗抹於所需部位 Suggested Uses : Apply as needed 唇膜:晚上睡前在唇上厚敷一層,早上起床用紙巾抹去多餘油分即可 Lip Mask: Leave on overnight for an extra nourishing boost 眉膏 / 護唇膏 / 急救膏 Tame eyebrows / Lip Balm / Repairing Balm ** 儲存於陰涼處,避免陽光直接照射 Keep in a cool, dry place. Do not expose to direct sunlight ** 圖片及文字僅供參考,最終以出貨實物為準 Colour and photo of Products displayed on Online Store are for reference only ⚠️衹供外用 For external use only. ⚠️對成份精油敏感人士忌用 Discontinue use if signs of irritation appear and consult a healthcare professional 產品查詢/訂購 Product inquiry / ordering 歡迎使用 / Payment Methods Payme、AlipayHK 、Wechat Pay、FPS 轉數快、Octopus 八達通、PayPal、Visa、Master 香港郵政 或 順豐到付 購買滿 HK$400 本地包郵 Hong Kong Post or SF Express Free Local Delivery with purchase of HK$400 or above |香港品牌|自家製造| |手工藝作|原創設計| Bloom Bloom Mart 靈心身百貨店 商業合作 / 批發查詢 +852 64887827 #bloombloommart #花浴鹽 #bloombloom馥馥 #靈心身百貨店 #花浴鹽專家 #手工藝作 #香港原創 #花香水 #花浴露 #花馥油 #花浴油 #花精萬用膏 #喉輪花精萬用膏
