Bloom Bloom Mart 靈心身百貨店

招財貓谷古 Lucky Cat Hz Choco



招財貓谷古 Lucky Cat Hz Choco $138/盒 (7片) $138/Box (7pcs) 透過臭覺、味覺、感覺品嚐調頻谷古 (調頻朱古力/調頻巧克力) 來調整自己的能量狀態。品嚐讓能量秒速進入身體,與你內在共鳴共振,可能讓你有感受、有畫面、有情懷、有味覺以外的體驗 招財貓谷古就是調和你能量狀態的妙招,精品朱古力師純手工製作,以黑朱古力為主,搭配花香調:金錢草、金盞花、七彩雛菊、桂花、桃花、甜橙、丁香、桂皮、乳香、生薑、黑雲杉、廣藿香、沒藥、檀香、雪松、豆蔻、佛手柑、沒藥、天竺葵、依蘭依蘭、芫荽、黑雲杉、香蜂草、牛膝草、玫瑰,用心製作的招財貓谷古,務必好好細味品嚐心領神會 "The Hz Choco Tasting Ritual' allows to experience the full range of chocolate delights with smell, taste and feeling. Discover the richness of a dark chocolate tasting experience, focus on the aromatic notes, bite and chew, let melt, explore the mouthfeel, discover the Hz Choco tastes, that may be help with mood, mind and spirit Lucky Cat Hz Choco is a dark chocolate, with floral notes : J Snowbell-leaved Tick Clover、Calendula、Bracteantha bracteata、Osmanthus、Peach blossoms、Orange、Clove、Cinnamon Bark、Frankincense、Ginger、Spruce、Patchouli、Myrrh、Sandalwood、Cedarwood、Cardamom、Bergamot、Myrrh、Geranium、Ylang Ylang、Coriander、Black spruce、Melissa、Hyssop、Rose, handmade luxury chocolate 『能量』雖然是無形、無味、無色、無法觸摸,但宇宙裡裡外外到處都充滿能量,它一直是存在的。世界上所有的固體都是由旋轉的粒子組成,這些粒子有著不同的振動頻率。人在不同的體格和精神狀態下身體亦有著不同的振動頻率,振動頻率就是我們常說的『磁場』『氣場』『能量』 同頻共振就是「同頻相吸」,當你頻率愈來愈高,萬事萬物為你而來,招財貓谷古就是立即提升頻率的其一妙招 招財貓象徵招財進寶、開運致福、廣結善緣、千客萬來,予人們招倈財運、帶來好運 招財貓谷古增強圍繞著我們身上的豐盛氣場,提高吸引金錢的頻率,讓豐盛、富足的能量凝聚在身上,助你擁有正向思維,啟發思維的多元化,實踐吸引力法則,創造更多美好的人事物 Spirit energy is the most subtle type of energy and has a close affiliation with your emotions. It can be translated in many ways such as your mind, spirit, consciousness, vitality, expression, soul and energy Our minds can be link to ""the universe"" enhances our life force which is the nature healing energy with vibrates at a higher frequency. Higher vibrational energies might happiness abundance, joy and love The natural healing energies can help you raise your vibrational frequency "Lucky Cat" the core energy: *Increase your abundance vibrational frequency *Luck in making money *All coming sounds like good things *An energy you step into wealth *Belief that you have enough resources in the world 滿滿的客人回饋: 🍫好鍾意,好香,好味,餘韻強,開心 feel good; 🍫甜甜地,花香濃,滑唔黏喉,精神左,內在感希望,感震頻,喉嚨幾舒服,見到黃光,餘韻強; 🍫味ok,喉嚨黏黏地,餘韻強,個人好似提升左咁; 🍫唔鐘意,似藥材木味,好沉,連帶情緒拉落,腦海有畫面,係喉嚨盤旋,感覺強烈,喉嚨卡住左,呼吸鼻腔位帶有甜,幾舒服識,餘韻強慢慢出嚟,腦裡有把風扇吹著柔和的風; 🍫味似薑再有沈香加花味,有上頭感,餘韻強持久,喉嚨位停留耐,頭有點痛,人漂漂地,頭無咁痛鬆左,舒服左; 🍫咩味?唔算鐘意,味在口腔打轉,好咳好搶,沉靜,平靜,輕左,心寧靜,食後來愈來愈鍾意,放鬆左,有調整感; 🍫入口涼涼地,中藥味,花味,餘韻強,幾好,ok,唔覺係朱古力,會俾錢買; 🍫好多層次,餘韻強,有療癒感; 🍫心花怒放,漫漫浸出喜悅,感覺偏中上,餘韻持久; 🍫霸氣,提神,清醒,精神大振; 🍫放鬆,崩緊可即刻放鬆; 🍫味好想聞,引有我好想聞佢,食落無乜味,溫和,和諧,花園,花海 ** 圖片及文字僅供參考,最終以出貨實物為準 Colour and photo of Products displayed on Online Store are for reference only 產品查詢/訂購 Product inquiry / ordering 歡迎使用 / Payment Methods Payme、AlipayHK 、Wechat Pay、FPS 轉數快、Octopus 八達通、PayPal、Visa、Master 香港郵政 或 順豐到付 購買滿 HK$400 本地包郵 Hong Kong Post or SF Express Free Local Delivery with purchase of HK$400 or above |香港品牌|自家製造| |手工藝作|原創設計| Bloom Bloom Mart 靈心身百貨店 商業合作 / 批發查詢 +852 64887827 #bloombloommart #花浴鹽 #花浴露 #自家製造 #bloombloom馥馥 #靈心身百貨店 #花浴鹽專家 #手工藝作 #香港原創 #招財貓花浴露 #招財貓谷古 #調頻谷古 #脈輪谷古 #招財貓複方精油 #招財貓花浴鹽 #招財貓花香水 #HzChoco
