Bloom Bloom Mart 靈心身百貨店

心輪複方精油 Heart Chakra Essential Oil Blend



心輪複方精油 Heart Chakra Essential Oil Blend 6ml / $480 「脈輪」似乎是一個說來有點抽象卻又實際存在的神秘存在,讓許多人都為之感到著迷,極力在生活中找到各脈輪間的平衡 七脈輪位於身體不同地方,有各自的振動頻率及活躍程度,可以反映出一個人的個性、情緒、生理、心靈等狀況,並影響著相對應的器官健康 心輪與「愛」連繫著,掌管我們「愛與被愛」和「寬恕」的能力,是物質層面與精神層面之間的橋樑。心輪是愛之所在地,發放愛的能量,讓我們付出愛和接受愛,懂得感恩和容易寬恕。這個愛與寛恕不單向外,亦同時反映愛自己和寛恕自己的程度 心輪湧出源源不絕的愛,無條件的愛,讓你擁有同理心、關懷、體諒,常常會在和善的關係裡工作,對關愛的人感到信任,心境平和,敏銳察覺並感好奇 心輪複方精油就是調和你能量狀態的妙招,我們是以山茶花、金錢草、迷迭香、扁柏為主調,讓心輪平衡、提升、擴展、流動 同頻共振就是「同頻相吸」,當你頻率高時,萬事萬物為你而來,心輪複方精油就是立即提升頻率的其一妙招 The seven chakras are the main energy centers of the body, when all of chakras are open, energy can run through them freely, and harmony exists between the physical body, mind and spirit Each of the chakras are said to correlate with different abilities, expressions and types of health Heart Chakra Located near your heart, in the center of your chest. The heart chakra is the center of transformation that bridges the gap between out human and soul form. Serves as our center of love for oneself and others, compassion, empathy and forgiveness. This is associated with unconditional love, joy and inner peace When you become stressed, anxious, worry and depression, your brain is overriding your emotions and your emotions take a hit, it depletes you of the love feelings responsible for making you happy "Heart Chakra" products the core energy : *Help your heart chakra open and energy is flowing freely *Feels love of self and others *Feeling unconditional love and respect for others *Experiencing peace and joy within, regardless of external conditions *Invite more love and compassion into your life 花、草、樹、葉、果汲取大自然的日月精華和天地靈氣之精華,極具靈性和生命力,以不同精油調配出來的複方精油,讓你在使用時不知不覺間換取來自花的生氣和靈氣 我們的身體就像一個海綿體,不斷接收周遭的能量,好壞正負都有,日積月累之下難免沾染上大量不必要且揮之不去的能量。精油能夠讓我們釋放出負面能量、負面情緒,繼而吸取來自花間的精華和靈氣,淨化身心抵消負面思維及情緒 Flowers absorb the aura of heaven and earth, absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, exchange the vitality and aura from flowers unconsciously during the using process, purify the body and mind and offset negative emotions, increase the vibrational frequency of self (The law of attraction) 100%純淨天然精油 Premium essential oil 主要成份:天竺葵、苦橙葉、鐵杉、肉豆蔻 Main ingredients: Geranium, Petitgrain, Tsuga, Nutmeg 建議使用: •使用1滴純植物油稀釋1滴精油,塗抺於所需部位。 •晚上在沐浴時添加精油,享受其濃郁的香氣。 •添加到日常皮膚護理中,如添加至乳霜中,促進皮膚健康、煥發光彩 •可每天擴香使用。 Suggested Uses •Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of Carrier Oil and apply to desired area as needed •Topical: Add to your bath in the evening to enjoy its rich aroma •Topical: Add to daily skin regimen (lotions and skin care products) to promote healthy-looking, glowing skin •Topical: Dilute with Carrier Oil Complex for body massage •Aromatic: Diffuse up daily ** 易燃物品:遠離火源、明火、火花或熱源。不可存放在室溫以上的環境 Flammable: Do not use near fire, flame, heat, or sparks. Do not store above room temperature ** 圖片及文字僅供參考,最終以出貨實物為準 Colour and photo of Products displayed on Online Store are for reference only ⚠️請放在兒童觸及不到的地方 Keep out of reach of children ⚠️衹供外用,避免接觸眼睛及黏膜 For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes ⚠️如果您懷有身孕、正在進行哺乳、服用藥物或接受治療,請在使用前諮詢醫生或其他專業人員 If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use ⚠️若使用後出現敏感症狀,請停止使用並諮詢醫生 If cause sensitivity consult a healthcare professional and discontinue use ⚠️使用產品後 12 小時內避免陽光直射或紫外線 Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product 產品查詢/訂購 Product inquiry / ordering 歡迎使用 / Payment Methods Payme、AlipayHK 、Wechat Pay、FPS 轉數快、Octopus 八達通、PayPal、Visa、Master 香港郵政 或 順豐到付 購買滿 HK$400 本地包郵 Hong Kong Post or SF Express Free Local Delivery with purchase of HK$400 or above |香港品牌|自家製造| |手工藝作|原創設計| Bloom Bloom Mart 靈心身百貨店 商業合作 / 批發查詢 +852 64887827 #bloombloommart #花浴鹽 #花浴露 #自家製造 #心輪複方精油 #bloombloom馥馥 #靈心身百貨店 #花浴鹽專家 #手工藝作 #香港原創 #心輪花浴露

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